Success Stories Abdomen


I am a 60 years old man diagnosed to have “INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION WITH PERFORATION AND GAS UNDER THE DIAPHRAGM” confirmed by U.S.G of abdomen.
While performing ‘Kapalbhati Pranayam’ (jerking exercise of abdomen in yoga), I had a sudden pain in the abdomen, after a jerk with complete stoppage of stool & flatus since 2 days. Initially I started with allopathic treatment, which didn’t help. According to the surgeon, it was an acute emergency and I was advised immediate surgery within 5-6 hrs, as there were chances of gangrene.
I was admitted to Aditya Homoeopathic Hospital in the evening, was started on with Homoeopathic medicine immediately and kept under observation. Within few hours, my pain reduced and next day I passed stool & when doctors asked about my pain I said, “Oh, I forgot about that. Now I don’t have any pain.” I was kept under observation for 3 more weeks.
Thorat Maharaj (60 years), Sakhare Maharaj Ashram, Aalandi, Pune.
Hello : 9822012060

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