Bacterial Vaginosis
It’s a most common vaginal infection which causes due to bacteria. Generally, there are good bacteria and bad bacteria, as good ones control the growth of bad ones. The infection is a result of bacterial imbalance which changes vagina’s normal flora. Though it’s not life threatening, but it can lead a woman to uncomfortable position and it might restrict here movements. It is often confused with the yeast infection, which is also caused by bacteria.
Causes :
Experts are yet not sure about what exactly causes bacterial imbalance. But the risk is high among woman due to following causes.
1. Antibiotics or pH imbalance which reduces Lactobacilli.
2. The most common cause is douching. It may alter the vaginal flora. Many medical authorities have strongly discouraged the douching.
3. Thought there are no direct proofs, but multiple sex partners can contribute to this infection. But sexually passive woman may get this infection.
4. Iron deficiency (Anemia) can be the reason.
5. Psychological stress has shown some linking.
Symptoms :
Some experts are saying that this infection is asymptomatic in most cases. Most common symptom is fishy smelling whitish or yellowish vaginal discharge. It is particularly worse after sex. It might cause mild itching or redness.
Diagnosis :
A sample of vaginal discharge is collected and it undergoes following tests.
1. Whiff Test: Potassium hydroxide is added to the sample. A characteristic fishy smell is considered to be the positive test.
2. Acidity Test: A vagina is slightly acidic with pH of 3.8 to 4.2. If pH is more than 4.5, bacterial vaginosis is diagnosed.
3. 3 -Clue Cells: Sodium chloride is added to the sample. If present, clue cells can be visualized under the microscope.