Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is a condition wherein an individual has periods of depression and periods of being extremely happy or being cross or irritable. Suicidal tendency in these individuals is 60 times higher than in general public. This disorder has several types based on the severity of symptoms and might be described as mixed or rapid cycling based on the duration and frequency of episodes.
The manic phase might last from days to months. It can include these symptoms :
• Little need for sleep
• Easily distracted
• Poor temple control
• Poor judgment
• Irresponsible behavior and lack of self control such as drug abuse, drinking, spending sprees and sex with several partners
• Extremely involved in activities
• Extremely elevated, expansive or irritable mood such as racing thoughts, speaking a lot, false beliefs about self or abilities
People with bipolar disorder are at high risk of suicide. They might abuse alcohol or other substances and this can make the symptoms and suicide risk worse.
Causes and Risk Factors
Bipolar disorder affects men and women equally and it generally starts between ages 15 and 25. The precise cause is still not known, however, it occurs more often in relatives of people with this disorder. Majority of the people affected by this disorder don't show any clear cause for the periods of extreme happiness (mania) or depression. The following could trigger a manic episode:
• Childbirth
• Medications such as steroids or antidepressants
• Periods of not being able to sleep (i.e. insomnia)
• Recreational drug use
Following things need to be done by health care professional for diagnosing bipolar disorder:
• Determine whether other family members have this disorder
• Determine the patient's recent mood swings and for how long he/she has had them
• Carry out a thorough examination and look for lab tests to search other illnesses that might be causing the symptoms that resemble this disorder
• Speak with the family members about the patient's symptoms and overall health
• Determine any health problems and the medications taken
• Watch the patient's behavior and mood