Path Breaking Research Manifestations of Miasms in Medicines

Manifestations of Miasms in Medicines

Homoeopathic medicines and their miasmatic manifestations
Symptoms are analysed according to their miasmatic manifestations and classified into Indisposition, Psora, Sycosis, Tubercular and Syphilitic sections.

A single remedy has a very broad–spectrum miasmatic strength. Hence, each homeopathically proved remedy imprints its individual, inherited, & characteristic symptoms on the vital force, which are expressed by human body. While studying these symptoms, any physician will realize that these artificial medicinal symptoms are similar to that of various natural diseases. After realizing this magical power of the remedy, it can be understood that each & every homoeopathic remedy can cure acute, subacute or chronic diseases including any kind of severe pathology, according to their miasmatic strength.

To understand the miasmatic strength of a remedy, the medicinal symptoms & their diseased states can be classified into five sections of each remedy, which will give clear indications of Indisposition, Psora, Sycosis, Tubercular & Syphilitic miasms along with their miasmatic percentage.

For example, a medicine like ACONITE, was previously known as a short acting and acute antipsoric medicine; but this is totally a misconception. The miasmatic presentation of Aconite clearly indicates that it is a combination of Psora, Sycosis, Tubercular and Syphilis miasmatic manifestations. ACONITE covers all the miasmatic disease conditions according to their miasmatic weightage.

There are lots of misconceptions about homoeopathic medicines. Some medicines like BELLADONNA & BRYONIA are established as acute medicines & the belief that they work only in acute disease conditions is totally a misconception. At the same time, remedies like Thuja & Mercurius are claimed as antisycotic & antisyphilitic medicines respectively. This is totally unscientific.

The physician must have knowledge about the strength of our remedies. It is scientifically proved during proving that each medicine expresses a general picture of all kind of miasms. But their misamatic percentage is unequally distributed in every remedy. Every Homoeopath must understand that each medicine has ability to remove the dynamic disturbance, which occurs in the vital force. Our medicines deal with the dynamic force & restore the life very smoothly.

But there is a condition; it should be applied according to the Homoeopathic laws & principles i.e. "Similia Similibus Curenter." The exact meaning of this law is that we have to prescribe the remedy which contains similar symptoms, i.e. the similimum, including miasm and thermals matching with the patient’s totality. As compared to natural disease strength, our medicines are keen, sharp, and strong enough to conquer it.

The dynamic disturbance (disease) is removed by the artificial dynamic substance (medicine) which works along with vital force to eradicate the natural disease and bring out the rapid, gentle, and permanent cure.

And if you are prescribing only on the basis of symptoms or pathology, it will act in a wrong direction either by neutralizing the action of the remedy or strengthening the miasm. This combination (medicines and miasm) creates deterioration in the vital force & is obviously dangerous for human life.

In our Materia Medica, we know that each and every drug produces different kinds of disease symptoms, very much similar to natural pathology.

A Physician must judge these symptoms or group of symptoms, which represent disease pathology. Dr.Hahnemann analyzed this gradation of symptomatology & classified them according to severity of pathological conditions with the help of miasmatic classification.

He taught that, while treating your patient you should take the proper case, collect the data of physiological, pathological & general symptoms along with sensations of your patient, after that verify the characteristic symptoms & make the total picture of the sick person & then only find out the similar remedy, which represents the similar miasm and similar characters of the sick and treat him accordingly.

There are hundreds of Materia Medicas available, talking about the action of homoeopathic medicines. But there is no materia medica available, which gives information about disease pathology & its miasm except “Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica” by Dr.Clarke. Here, Dr.Clarke intellectually added clinical information about the diseases which the drug has manifested. While reading this book, I realized that his clinical sections indicate various diseases, which are related to different miasmatic manifestations of a remedy.

In my clinical experience, I have observed some medicines curing established modern diseases & analyzed the total work with the new concept of miasmatic materia medica including miasmatic percentage & weightage of each & every remedy, not written anywhere in our literature.

I would also lay emphasis on Indisposition. This filter is essential because Indisposition is not a natural disease condition. To identify this symptom which doesn’t have any pathological background, it must be analyzed carefully. For example, CARBO. VEG having indigestion after over–eating: this symptom is not related to any pathology. So, Physician must understand this false disease condition.

Another example is BELLADONNA in which headache due to Sun exposure is seen which is also an Indisposition. These symptoms can be used as a particular modality of that particular remedy. It will help the prescriber through its different identity.

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