SHMC Satara Interns Visit To Aditya Homoeopathic Hospital
( Inspiring Interns To practice Classical Homoopathy )
Interns of Sawkar Hom Medical College had an unforgettable live experience of classical homoeopathy @ DrAmarsinha Nikam sirs *Aditya Homoeopathic Hospital* on Sunday 26 March 2017.
Team of 60+ Interns reached @ Aditya Hom Hospital Pimpri on sunday morning. Surprised by seeing a huge 9 floors buiding with 100+ beds itself aroused curiosity in there mind. All were eager to know how such a huge hospital managed Only with classical homoeopathy.
After taking breakfast all went to conferance hall where *Dr Manish Nikam given brief introduction about Dr Nikam sir's full life dedication to classical homoeopathy.
Dr Vijay Nikam took students to hosp round of all wards & even ICU. Watching patients with gross pathologies Live was simply amazing experience to all students. Patients with Wide range of critical pathologieses such as CRF, Various cancers, Chronic liver failure, CCF, psoriasis, RA were seen to be admitted & getting improved Without any surgery, Injections & saline..!!
Dr Vijay Nikam with team of senior homoeopath guided students during round.
Every patient was narrating his own story, how they came in hopeless situation for homoeopathy, got admitted in aditya hospital & now getting fantastic improvement day by day.
One very interesting *case of thromboembolism* of leg advised amputation by surgeon. After just single dose of indicated remedy improvements begun to save his leg ..!
Cases after cases student witnessed the simple truth of classical homoeopathy...i.e. Single remedy that too in minimum dose of 30 is sufficient to bring miraculous improvement & repeatation done only when needed...
After lunch session students saw very interesting Interview of Dr Amarsinha Nikam sir by well known reporter Raju Parulekar (For *Etv Sanvaad* programme). Dr nikam sir answered in simple but assertive way many tricky questions such as scope of homoeopathy in acutes, surgical cases, cardiac & renal cases,, potency, individualisation & reason why he dont use Biochemics.
The day of learning reached to super enthusiasm when Dr Nikam sirs session started. As usual avoiding empty theoratic discussions sir explained two amazing video cases which given life long inspiration to all interns.
The first case was of small girl suffering from *Craniopharingioma* she had been bed ridden since 6/7 month with huge ascitis & lebelled as hopeless because even after surgery brain tumor reappered...! After single dose of 30 potency (repeated infrequntly) improvement started & unbelievable response results was there.
Sir explained enitire case, balanced totality of pathophysiology & mind, remedy selection.
Second case was of a girl from Ahamadabad suffering from *Wilsons Disease* ..! She was in ICU and advised liver transplant, her Hb was 4.5 gm & bilirubin 43 mg...!!
Dr nikam sir agreed to visit & took her case in ICU, selected remedy and returned. On next morning itself improvent started....her Hb started increasing, & bilirubin gradually decreased....not a single blood transfusion needed... Within next few weeks there was rapid recovery & dischrged from ICU...! Her all reports came normal , she came to Dr Nikam sirs hospital for further follow ups...:-)
Dr Nikam sir explained once again how *Balancing PathoPhysiology & Mind* ( _instead of focusing single aspect_ ) helped him to arrive simillimum & how 30 potency works wonderfully even in terminally ill ICU cases saving her life.
At the end Dr Manish informed students about books written by Dr Nikam sir, Youtube channel, Homeoapp, Website & 6 month residential course which has transformed career of many homeopaths & produced entire generation of classical homoeopaths.
Dr Ayesha Shaikh, Dr Santosh Nale, Dr Swati, Dr Pratiksha & Dr Sourabh Patil shared there experience of this 6 month learning course. In this period they were inspired and learned from Dr Nikam which help them to grow as a classical homoeopath with absolutely no confusion about our principles.
DrRahul Jadhav concluded the event by reminding student not to loose faith in basic principles of homoeopathy i.e. *Single remedy minimum dose* is highly effective in all cases without any clutches biochemic, Qs,1x..etc.
The entire event was organised on non commercial basis charging only 350rs per student (for food & travelling ) with pure intension of establishing unshakable faith about classical practice in minds of budding homoeopath. Students left the Aditya hospital with smiles on there faces & vision in there eyes as they have witnessed there bright future in wonderful science of homoeopathy..! Simple, practical, classical, Hahnemannian Homoeopathy...!!