Social Responsibility Seminar At Andheri, Mumbai on 26th June 2011

Seminar At Andheri, Mumbai on 26th June 2011

  • Stammering speech, unclear since Dec. 2006.

  • Dimness of vision of both eyes since birth.
    • H/o Operated (Rt) eye for Cataract 1 year back.
  • Imbalance while walking since Dec. 2006.
  • Weakness of power of (Rt) hand, (Rt) leg, whole (Rt) side of body since Dec. 2006.
    • Things drop from hands.
    • Very poor grip reflex.
  • Very sensitive to loud noise since birth.
    • Unable to tolerate loud noise.
    • Vomiting off & on since Jan. 2007.• Past History :
      1. H/o preterm delivery (8½ mths) Low birth weight baby. Cried immediately after birth. H/o Prolong labour.
      2. H/o Vaccination done.
      3. H/o Skin eruptions all over the body with itching for 2-3 months at the age of 2 yrs. Suppression done.
      4. H/o Epistaxis in past.
      5. H/o Rt. eye operated for cataract 1 yr before.
      • Family History :
      Mother : H/o 3 abortions.

      • Physical Generals :
      • Vomiting at intervals of every 15 days.
      • Cries continuously for 15-20 min before vomiting.
      • Acidic sort of vomiting.
      • Vomitus – offensive+++, containing undigested food particles.
      • Diet : Mixed.
      • Appetite : Poor. Can’t tolerate hunger.
      • Desire : Milk / Tea++ / Mutton+++ / Chicken++ / Fish / Sweets / Fruits / Ice Cream+++/ Sour / Oily.
      • Aversion : Eggs.
      • Thirst : Thirstless.
      • Bowel : Constipated since 1 yr. Passes stool after 2-3 days. Dry, hard stool with straining in the beginning.
      • Urine : Bed-wetting once in a week; usually in 2nd part of sleep, early morning.
      • Perspiration: Profuse- over scalp+++. Wets the pillow far around. Foul smelling perspiration.
      • Sleep : Restlessness – half an hour before sleep since Dec. 2006. Position : Lies on sides.
        Night : 9:30 pm to 6:00 am.
      • Thermal : Ambithermal.
        Towards Chilly.
    Mind :
    As per information provided by his parents :

    • He is irritable+++ and demanding. For eg. If he feels like having a cup of tea, he wants it at that particular time itself and shrieks and shouts if not provided with same .
    • He shrieks when shouted. Expresses his anger by beating someone, does not like to be touched or caressed.
    • Has a strange habit of beating people.
    • When he plays among children of his age group, he beats his friends.
    • Doesn't like to stay alone and always desires company of someone or the other.
    • Restless child, active and playful.
    • Likes music and feels like dancing and enjoys it.
    • Destroys his toys while playing with them. Tears papers.
    • Enjoys roaming outside and wandering.
    • Was good in studies but has gradually started developing weakness of memory after severe attacks.
    • Not afraid of anything.

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