Articles Homoeopathy - the Soul Healer

Homoeopathy - the Soul Healer

which in turn expresses on Physical level in form of

  • Abscesses & Boils.
  • Anorectal bleeding.
  • Caries of teeth / Bad breath.
  • Gonorrhoea / Chancre.
  • Ulcers etc.
Louise L. Hay book "Heal your body" have given the probable mental reasons behind the physical illnesses.

For e.g. Problem mental cause for
  1. Abscess & Boils is :
    1. Fermenting thoughts over burts/ slights & revenge.
    2. Anger.
    3. Poisonous anger about personal Injustices.
  2. Anorectal bleeding : Anger & frustration.
  3. Caries of tooth & Bad breath : Anger & Revenge thoughts.
  4. Gonorrhoea : A need for Punishment for being a bad person.
Now when we co - relate the study of Louise L. Hay and there of Merc Sol, it clearly shows that all diseases are psychosomatic.

So to hit your target at right step (semilimum) you have to take a proper case taking, considering the mental symptoms, physical generals & Particulars, as it is said " A well taken case is ghalf cure" "There is a psychological health just as there is a Physical health".

"Thanks to Homoeopathy"

Dr. Harpreet Vinodkumar K
BHMS (Pune) Kerala.

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