Information for Patient

Aditay Homoeopathic Hospital & Healing Centre
  • Aditya Homoeopathic Hospital is the only one Private Homoeopathic Hospital in the world.
  • All kinds of diseases can be treated by Homoeopathic Medicines.
  • Aditya Homoeopathic Hospital is a 100 bed hospital; here we are treating patients without injection, saline & surgery but only with the homoeopathic medicines.

  • Dr. Nikam being the only senior faculty in the hospital looks after the following activities :
    • OPD & IPD
    • Consulting
    • Internship Training Program & Refresher courses.
    • Classical Homoeopathic Workshop
    • Conducting conference & Seminars at National & International levels related to Healthcare & Homoeopathy.
    • Conducting Free Homoeopathic medical camps.
    • Publishing Magazines related to Healthcare & Homoeopathy awareness.
    • Research Institute for Homoeopathy.
    Therefore patients are requested to have patience and wait till their medical concern is addressed

  • Procedure for Treatment :
    • Pay Consulting fee Rs. 1500 and collect the case Consulting card. Patient should bring card every time for medicine, In absence of card please feed the card no in your mobile.
    • Depending on your Appointment number you will be directed to an assistant doctor for Case Taking.
    • It take more time for Case Taking as medicine will be given after the study of the patient’s physical & emotional study so we required full co-operation by patient
    • Depending on the severity of disease, only Dr. Nikam himself Adjust the Serial number of patient for consultation. You are requested to confirm your number next day via telephone between 10 am to 10 pm
    • You are advised to come to the hospital only at the scheduled time given to you for consulting.
    • Note : Consulting will be taken after the IPD Rounds & OPD by Dr.Nikam

  • You have to pay additional Charges for Medicine :
    • One Month : 1600
    • 15 Days : 800

  • In case of emergency we are treating the patients via telephone & Photograph. In that case, the care-taker or relative should have known all the detail information of patient for the case taking

  • According to the Severity of Diseases patient are advised to get admitted for Observation & Monitoring

  • List of Facilities available at Aditya Homoeopathic Hospital
    • Indoor Facility (100 beds).
    • Large Medical team of Doctor’s and Staff
    • Library
    • Ambulance Services.
    • ECG & PFT Service
    • For the Heart Disease 3D-CCG Machine
    • Patient Monitoring System.
    • Laboratory (All Blood Investigation)
    • Medicine Courier Facility

  • Do’s and Don’ts during Homoeopathic treatment
    • Big two pills hourly.
    • In case of any pain consult to doctor and consume six pills from smaller bottles.
    • Treatment for Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Thyroid or any kind of disease should not to be stopped before doctor’s consultation.
    • None of the allopathic medicine or treatment Like Vaporizer, Iodex balm, Swine flu, Pneumonia, Antibiotic painkiller, T.T injection or vaccination to be consumed during homoeopathic treatment.
    • During homoeopathic treatment perfumes, Fragrance oil should not be used.
    • In case of any Kidney treatment coconut water should not be consumed.
    • All information regarding Diseases/illness should be asked to doctor. Any exercise/yoga should not be done without doctor consultation.
    • During treatment Tobacco, Alcohol, Cigarette, Coffee or any other Stimulant is strictly prohibited.
    • Patient should not consume any homoeopathic medicine through the reference of magazine/Newspaper.
    • During Homoeopathic Treatment do not consume ayurvedic products like Chavanprash, Hairoil, Beauty Products…etc
    • Do not use medical soaps or highly scented soap like savlon, Dettol…etc.
    • Do not take any Homoeopathic Medicine without permission of your doctor.

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