Seminar At Andheri, Mumbai on 26th June 2011
Stammering speech, unclear since Dec. 2006.
Dimness of vision of both eyes since birth.
H/o Operated (Rt) eye for Cataract 1 year back.
Imbalance while walking since Dec. 2006.
Weakness of power of (Rt) hand, (Rt) leg, whole (Rt) side of body since Dec. 2006.
Things drop from hands.
Very poor grip reflex.
Very sensitive to loud noise since birth.
Unable to tolerate loud noise.
Vomiting off & on since Jan. 2007.• Past History :
1. H/o preterm delivery (8½ mths) Low birth weight baby. Cried immediately after birth. H/o Prolong labour.
2. H/o Vaccination done.
3. H/o Skin eruptions all over the body with itching for 2-3 months at the age of 2 yrs. Suppression done.
4. H/o Epistaxis in past.
5. H/o Rt. eye operated for cataract 1 yr before.
• Family History :
Mother : H/o 3 abortions.
• Physical Generals :
Vomiting at intervals of every 15 days.
Cries continuously for 15-20 min before vomiting.
Acidic sort of vomiting.
Vomitus – offensive+++, containing undigested food particles.
Diet : Mixed.
Appetite : Poor. Can’t tolerate hunger.
Desire : Milk / Tea++ / Mutton+++ / Chicken++ / Fish / Sweets / Fruits / Ice Cream+++/ Sour / Oily.
Aversion : Eggs.
Thirst : Thirstless.
Bowel : Constipated since 1 yr. Passes stool after 2-3 days. Dry, hard stool with straining in the beginning.
Urine : Bed-wetting once in a week; usually in 2nd part of sleep, early morning.
Perspiration: Profuse- over scalp+++. Wets the pillow far around. Foul smelling perspiration.
Sleep : Restlessness – half an hour before sleep since Dec. 2006. Position : Lies on sides.
Night : 9:30 pm to 6:00 am.
Thermal : Ambithermal.
Towards Chilly.
Mind :
As per information provided by his parents :
He is irritable+++ and demanding. For eg. If he feels like having a cup of tea, he wants it at that particular time itself and shrieks and shouts if not provided with same .
He shrieks when shouted. Expresses his anger by beating someone, does not like to be touched or caressed.
Has a strange habit of beating people.
When he plays among children of his age group, he beats his friends.
Doesn't like to stay alone and always desires company of someone or the other.
Restless child, active and playful.
Likes music and feels like dancing and enjoys it.
Destroys his toys while playing with them. Tears papers.
Enjoys roaming outside and wandering.
Was good in studies but has gradually started developing weakness of memory after severe attacks.
Not afraid of anything.