Books Vital Force is Oxygen

Vital Force is Oxygen

Vital Force is Oxygen
Rs. 110/-
The vital force is an interesting concept of utmost importance in homeopathic science. But, the theoretical rather an unscientific explanation of vital force was very confusing for homeopathic students and doctors. The subject of vital force (vital energy) is a scientific and an important document of homeopathy which was put forth by Master Hahnemann. But, it has been transformed into an unperceivable, an unexplainable, and an unscientific philosophy which has made homeopathic science a target for criticism in the medical world by other pathies. Since, I was enrolled in first year in homeopathic college, I was eager to understand this interesting subject of vital force. But I was not being guided enthusiastically on this subject.

My father was a homeopathic consultant. I had seen the tremendous recovery and results. Since my childhood I had developed full faith on this science as I had been born and brought up with homeopathy. It compelled me to become a follower of this wonderful science. The keen interest for understanding the science kept me enthusiastic and my efforts helped me to perceive the concepts without any guidance.

After completing my college curriculum I continued with my study and practice. A continuous reading of Dr Hahnemann’s philosophy and following his methods and principles of prescription gave me good results. This enhanced my knowledge and confidence in our pathy.

As I started practicing, I came up with good results and witnessed amazing recoveries of patients. This success was giving me happiness. But, I wasn’t satisfied with it, for me these results were of no use until they had a scientific explanation. This allowed other people to criticize me, call me a fluke and even a non–homeopathic method prescriber. This criticism made me aware of the truth and with acceptance I continued my journey.

I had done enormous readings of the books of Philosophies of our pioneers Dr Hahnemann, Dr Kent’s, Dr H.A. Roberts and Dr Stuart Close and many more.
This brought me to a conclusion that Yes; our homeopathic philosophy has a solid scientific foundation! Today, nearly after three decades of my practice, I have established an 80 bedded homeopathic hospital which only works on a standard homeopathic prescription of 30 potency. Also, I have delivered many seminars through which I have put forth my classical and scientific way of homeopathic practice and understanding of homeopathic philosophy by different angles.

For the first time, I introduced this concept of vital force in 2005 at Singapore. The concept was greatly appreciated and the crowd there’s, was eager to know the subject in deep. This also inspired me to write a book on this concept. To write a book was a very difficult task, I required a proper data to put forth my thoughts. This took me four years of hard & heart work to complete each matter in a scientific manner.

My only aim is to establish Homeopathy as a firm science; so that no one can ever criticize or underestimate it. To fulfill this purpose erasing the wrong concepts and inculcate the basic scientific concepts on the mind of newly emerging generation of Homeopaths is a necessity. It will strengthen their faith and dedication to the pathy.

This will result in wide spread of the pathy from richest to the commonest and to all corners of this world. This book is a humble attempt made by me for better understanding and development of our pathy. This is my request to the readers, take help of this book to make their concepts clearer regarding vital force and erase all the doubts in their mind; as in my previous books – ‘The manifestation of Miasm’ and ‘Thermal Materia Medica’.

Dr Amar Sinha D. Nikam


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